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Марушка М. М. 
Розвиток хореографічної освіти у Галичині (1919–1939 рр.) / М. М. Марушка. — Б.м., 2021 — укp.

У дисертаційному дослідженні здійснено комплексний аналіз розвитку теорії і практики хореографічної освіти в Галичині 1919–1939 рр.; досліджено й класифіковано історіографію проблеми і джерельну базу, визначено найбільш оптимальні методологічні підходи до розв'язання проблеми; проаналізовано тенденції розвитку педагогічних ідей і досвіду діяльності хореографів Галичини 1919–1939 рр.; виявлено особливості діяльності шкіл товариських танців у Галичині зазначеного періоду; визначено внесок хореографів Галичини у розвиток вітчизняної педагогічної думки досліджуваного періоду; виявлено й узагальнено сутність і зміст принципів навчання та виховання, що реалізовувалося у кількох напрямах – модерному танці, українському національному танці та товариських танцях; проаналізовано низку архівних документів, пов'язаних із проблемою розвитку хореографічної освіти Галичини 1919–1939 рр., які не розглядалися в українських історико-педагогічних працях.Ключові слова: хореографія, хореографічна освіта, хореографічна культура, танець модерн, ритмопластичний танець, виразний танець, український національний танець, товариський танець, школа танців.^UIn the thesis the complex analysis of development of the theory and practice of choreographic education in Galicia of 1919–1939 is carried out; the socio-political, socio-cultural preconditions for the development of the theory and practice of choreographic teaching are determined and the directions of choreographic education and upbringing in Galicia of the studied period are analyzed; the educational principles of choreographic education of interwar Galicia were actualized into modern educational practice.The theoretical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that for the first time a comprehensive analysis of the formation and development of choreographic education in Galicia in 1919–1939 is conducted holistically and systematically in domestic pedagogical science, namely: the historiography of the problem and the source base approaches to solving the problem; the tendencies of development of pedagogical ideas and experience of activity of choreographers of Galicia 1919–1939 are researched; features of activity of schools of friendly dances in Galicia of the specified period are revealed; the contribution of Galician choreographers to the development of domestic pedagogical thought of the studied period is determined; the essence and content of the principles of teaching and education, which was implemented in several areas – modern dance, Ukrainian national dance and social dances are identified and generalized; a number of archival documents related to the development of choreographic education in Galicia in 1919–1939 are studied (archival documents DALO: Fund 110, description 4, case № 648; Fund 1, description 54, case № 2028; Fund 1, description 54, case № 7035, etc., archival documents of the CDIA in Lviv Fund 179, description 4, case № 2606).Scientific definitions of such concepts as "stage choreographic culture", "choreographic education", "choreographic education", "cultural and educational life", "dance schools" are specified; the contribution of domestic scientists to the development of the theory and practice of choreographic education in Galicia is clarified.Ukrainian historiography of the history of education and pedagogical thought, pedagogical personology, historical and pedagogical source studies in the context of covering the creative activity of Galician teachers and dancers, who contributed to the development of choreographic education in Galicia, are further developed.New facts, theoretical ideas and approaches to the study of choreographic education in Galicia in 1919–1939, based on historical, scientific and pedagogical literature, etc enriched pedagogical theory with scientific knowledge about the trends of choreographic education and the activities of cultural, educational, sports societies in the interwar period, the introduction of innovative methods, forms and means of dance teaching in the Galician practice of the period under study.It is determined that the choreographic education of Galicia in 1919–1939 kept pace with world and European trends in the development of choreographic culture of its era, while preserving the national, cultural and historical traditions of the Ukrainian people. The interwar period in Galicia was marked by the true flourishing of sociable (salon) dance schools, which popularized the best European and world traditions of the dance movement of the 20s and 30s.Formed by various factors of socio-cultural and socio-political order, the process of formation of choreographic education in Galicia in 1919–1939 is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon, which is a separate bright page in the history of Ukrainian pedagogy and art history. Due to the integration of the powerful potential of European and domestic choreographers, we consider it as a unique productive component of the development of national pedagogical thought in Ukraine.Key words: choreography, choreographic education, choreographic culture, modern dance, rhythmoplastic dance, expressive dance, Ukrainian national dance, sociable dance, dance school.

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